
Made in America: How Toku supports DUNAs in compensating contributors

March 14, 2025

Made in America: How Toku supports DUNAs in compensating contributors

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Made in America: How Toku supports DUNAs in compensating contributors

For years, US based crypto organizations and DAOs faced a difficult choice: operate in regulatory limbo or establish complex offshore structures far from their user base. Wyoming changed everything with the Decentralized Unincorporated Nonprofit Association (DUNA) — finally offering crypto-native organizations a legitimate "Made in America" solution.

This groundbreaking legal framework allows DAOs and crypto communities to maintain their decentralized principles while gaining the legitimacy and protection of a US legal structure. DUNAs offer a homegrown structure that works to onshore US crypto organizations. To learn more about DUNAs, Miles Jennings and David Kerr published a series of primers on DAOS, UNAs and DUNAs that can be found here

As more organizations embrace this American solution, they face a critical challenge: how to effectively manage contributor compensation from a token treasury while navigating the US regulatory landscape.

The DUNA advantage

DUNAs offer remarkable benefits: legal recognition, liability protection, and the ability to maintain decentralized governance while operating within the US legal system. For crypto organizations transitioning from informal DAOs to recognized legal entities, DUNAs provide a pathway to legitimacy without sacrificing core decentralization principles.

However, managing contributor compensation through token distributions creates complex tax and compliance requirements that many DUNAs aren't equipped to handle alone.

The token compensation challenge

DUNAs face several critical challenges when compensating contributors with tokens:

  • Valuation complexity: Determining fair market value of tokens at time of distribution
  • Tax reporting requirements: Issuing 1099s and managing tax documentation
  • Administrative burden: Tracking distributions, maintaining records, managing multiple payment recipients, coordinating cross-border payments, reconciling token values across exchanges, ensuring proper classification of different payment types, and documenting governance decisions related to compensation, and more

These challenges can quickly overwhelm DUNA leadership and distract from their core mission.

How Toku simplifies DUNA token compensation

Toku's comprehensive solution helps DUNAs navigate the complexities of token-based compensation with confidence:

1. Streamlined compliance management

Toku automatically handles the most burdensome compliance requirements:

  • Generation and distribution of required tax forms (1099s, etc.)
  • Documentation collection from contributors (W-9s, W-8BENs)
  • Record-keeping for all token distributions with proper classification
  • Token valuation documentation at time of distribution

2. Token payroll infrastructure

Our specialized payroll system designed for token-based compensation allows DUNAs to:

  • Schedule recurring token payments to contributors
  • Implement vesting schedules for long-term contributors
  • Track all compensation across multiple token types
  • Handle conversions between tokens when necessary

3. Token tax guidance and support

Toku's team of crypto compensation experts helps DUNAs:

  • Structure compensation programs to optimize tax outcomes
  • Ensure compliance with federal and state tax requirements
  • Provide education to contributors about their tax obligations
  • Navigate the unique tax considerations of nonprofit token distributions

4. Entity-specific solutions

We tailor our services specifically to DUNA requirements:

  • Alignment with nonprofit mission documentation
  • Transparency systems for token treasury management
  • Governance integration with existing DAO structures
  • Member vs. non-member distribution tracking

The real administrative burden of token compensation

A Wyoming DUNA solves one set of challenges for crypto organizations but introduces another critical hurdle: managing compliant token-based compensation within the US regulatory framework. The administrative burden is substantial, measurable, and often underestimated.

Token valuation requirements create daily operational friction. US tax compliance requires establishing and documenting fair market value at the time of each token distribution. With token prices at times fluctuating 5-15% daily across exchanges, treasury managers must implement consistent valuation methodologies and maintain detailed records for potential IRS scrutiny. Each distribution requires documentation that can withstand audit review.

The jurisdictional complexity compounds with each international contributor. DUNAs routinely work with talent across 10+ countries, each with distinct regulatory requirements. A single incorrect classification or missed filing requirement can trigger penalties that exceed 20% of the payment value, not counting potential legal remediation costs. Cross-border compliance isn't optional—it's a legal necessity with significant financial consequences.

The paperwork burden grows exponentially with organization size. Each contributor relationship requires:

  • Proper classification documentation
  • Jurisdiction-specific tax forms
  • Payment agreements with clear deliverables
  • Token receipt confirmations
  • Year-end tax documentation

For a DUNA with 25 contributors, this creates hundreds of documents requiring secure management, retrieval, and annual updates.

Most significantly, these administrative requirements directly compete with mission-focused activities. Every hour spent navigating compliance is an hour not spent on product development, community building, or governance improvements. For organizations built on innovation and community value, this opportunity cost represents the most significant burden of all.

Without proper systems in place, these administrative burdens can quickly consume the bandwidth of DUNA leadership and core contributors, diverting resources away from the organization's core mission.

Ready to streamline your DUNA's token compensation?

As more organizations formalize their legal status through Wyoming's innovative DUNA framework, the need for specialized treasury and compensation solutions has never been greater.

Toku was built specifically to bridge the gap between decentralized operations and regulatory compliance. Our platform enables DUNAs to focus on their mission while we handle the complexities of token-based compensation.

Contact our team today to learn how Toku can support your DUNA's unique needs and ensure your token compensation programs remain compliant, efficient, and aligned with your organization's values.